Our Rates
Initial Acupuncture Consultation & Treatment
(90 minutes)
Follow-Up Consultation & Treatment
(60 minutes)
Facial Rejuvenation Initial Consultation & Treatment
(120 minutes)
Facial Rejuvenation Follow-Up Treatment
(120 minutes)
* 12 session package €1045
Complimenting Therapies
Based on individual needs, therapies such as cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, or Chinese massage may be recommended to enhance the benefits of acupuncture. Please note that incorporating these therapies could increase both the total time and cost of the session.
Payment Methods
Payment can be made by scanning QR code or with cash, with payment due directly after the treatment.
Following each therapy session, you will receive an invoice. The invoice can be submitted to your insurance company.
At your first appointment you will need a valid ID and health insurance card.
Qi Balance Health is associated with Zhong (Dutch association for Traditional Chinese Medicine), KAB and S.C.A.G .
Many insurance providers offer coverage for (part of) the expenses if you have an additional insurance package. If you’re uncertain about your coverage, it’s advisable to reach out to your healthcare provider.
For a list of healthcare insurers that include acupuncture in their coverage, please click here.
Rescheduling your appointment by telephone at least 24 hours in advance will ensure that you won’t incur any charges for the reserved time.
BTW: NL004042659B66
Zhong Licence: 2019002
KVK: 84926597
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